Step 1: Thoroughly sniff to inspect for anything suspicious or edible.
Step 2: Dive in like you're going for gold in the Olympics!
Step 3: Relax
Thank you Aunty Sommer for getting me a new bed!!
Hanes Pupdate! This picture was taken this morning, he looks huge but it's just an extreme close up of him to show you his beautiful spots, he almost looks like he's part leopard. He's just the most wonderful little guy, I already love his personality, he loves to lay upside down in my hands and have his tummy rubbed and he gives the biggest yawns with sweet puppy breath. He also is starting to wobble around and leave the whelping box now and then, which greatly distresses mom because she's afraid to pick him up and put him back. It doesn't faze him though he just curls up wherever and goes back to sleep.
After a long wait ARF's is proud to present to you "Hanes" he was born June 24th, 2010. He's named Hanes because every time I turn my back his mom is stealing my socks and putting them in her whelping box! Hanes popped out at 4oz meaning at the time he had an estimated adult weight of 4lbs, but as we all no that's not set in stone and can change as he matures. He is White with Fawn Merle spots and should have a long coat. I will be posting updated pictures weekly now that he's past his most critical time. Thanks for your patience!