Flip, as most of you know is the pup at the top of the page holding the leaf in his mouth. I have always been pretty proud of the fact that my dogs were not overly spoiled, but very well cared for. My life pretty much revolves around them and the other farm animals and their daily needs from 6am to at least 10pm everyday with breaks in between to do dog laundry, clean kennels, work, gardening, and human laundry (if I remember). Flip on the other hand has decided that he should rule the humans. With just a look he can command Mr. Pooper Scooper (aka, my husband) to bring him a tiny morsel of granola or scratch his belly. Flip decides when it's time to go out with a whimper and when it's time to come in, with a bark. He demands that he be allowed to inspect and look after all new puppies that are born. To them he's Uncle Flip. He has wormed his way in like few other dogs have. He's everywhere, my cell phone has multiple pictures and videos of him. He gets to sit on my lap when I'm on the computer and sit on the console when he rides in the truck. And somehow he has the ability to make everyone that meets him fall in love with him. Not to bad for the puppy that made me go "Eew, that's the ugliest puppy in the litter" Flip is so spoiled he even has his own dog. Flip was supposed to have Champ as a roommate temporarily until he went to a new home, well the new home never materialized and so Flip decided that Champ should be his pet. Even though they're the exact same age and Champ is WAY bigger Flip is in charge. Flip eats first, gets first pick of the toys and gets to arrange the blanket. How did this happen? Just look at him, but don't stare into his eyes too long or you will be sucked in by the power of Flip.
That Flip! What a cutie he is!