Sunday, May 30, 2010


   All right people, we've all heard of Astrology and Numerology, possibly even Reflexology, but Colorstrology? During an outing to renew our County License for the dogs my mom "The Cookie Lady" and I "Princess Pooper Scooper" stopped at Big Lots to do a little retail therapy. Tucked on the back of a shelf in the craft isle was a little book called: Colorstrology: By Michele Bernhardt. Basically it states the following:

  "Learn about the science of Colorstrology. YOUR BIRTHDAY COLOR is a key that connects your INNER and OUTER WORLD. It resonates with the qualities that you have within. Its purpose is to align you with your ESSENTIAL self while supporting you on your life's JOURNEY."
  I thought to myself this will be great, I'll check out what my birth color is since I'm getting ready to turn 40 very soon and if I really like the color maybe I can incorporate it into a redecorating project that's coming up. Here is what my birth color is: Golden Apricot defined as influential, methodical, and lively. Sounds great so far and it's a nice color. I then proceed to read the whole definition which states: 
  YOU notice opportunity and are always ready for something new and exciting. You are quick on your feet and people naturally like you. You are usually found with a smile on your face no matter how hard you are working. Most of you have a way with finances. Your personal color helps ground your aspirations. Wearing, meditating or surrounding yourself with Golden Apricot reminds you to keep things fresh and not to get stuck in old ideas, habits or relationships.
  Little did I know how soon I would be surrounded by Golden Apricot, it was almost as if the Colorstology Gods could see that I needed to revamp a few areas in my life, as well as paint my living room, and they decided that I should have numerous color samples personally delivered to me so that I could start wearing and surrounding myself with my personal color.
  Unfortunately the Color Gods have a wicked sense of humor and the little minion that they chose to deliver my personal color is named Roxy. I still haven't figured out what happened but when we got home Roxy had thrown up in about a million places, including my bed, my office, my hallway, bathroom, living room and lo and behold the color of it all was the perfect shade of Golden Apricot. Not only was I surrounded by it, I took some time to meditate about the clean up method I was going to use, and by the end I was wearing it.     
  So I guess Colorstrology is the real deal and thankfully not a load of crap, literally. Needless to say Roxy is fine, I think there were some bug parts mixed in one of the puddles. Oh, and in case you're wondering, bad luck be damned I do believe I'll be going with something along the lines of green for my project. Or not, I think I see Roxy eating grass...


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